Why is the clear state of a quest not being reset?
How long is a Brave Souls Passport valid for?
I contacted KLab, but I haven't received a reply. Why is this?
How do I get a Familiar to accompany me on quests?
A gift I hadn't collected disappeared before its expiration date. Why did this happen?
How do I create teams for Brave Battles?
Why wasn't my Brave Souls Passport updated?
How can I stop my device overheating or losing too much power when playing the game?
I haven't received a login bonus. What should I do?
I can't see the Accessory I'm looking for. What should I do?
Why can't I purchase an item?
Why can't I view ads?
Why haven't I received my Arena Season League Ranking rewards?
Why don't I get the rewards I want after watching lottery reward ads?
Is Focus affected by Character Link Inheritance?
What is "Resurrection"?
Why can't I make a request for aid to my other Guild members?
Why was I dismissed from the position of Guild Leader?
Can I transfer my Brave Souls Passport to another Player ID?
Why did I not receive any Spirit Orbs when I powered up a character to max level?