In the Arena, what does "MVP" mean in Score Battle mode?
What are Arena Missions?
How do I stop Guild invites and notifications?
When do purchase limits in Exchanges reset?
Can I read the story of a quest I've already cleared?
What is "Score Battle" mode?
How do I Awaken a character?
Can I play the game offline?
Why can't I view Arena ads?
Do characters have different stats and abilities in the Arena?
How to fix error code 1039 when joining Co-Op Quest, Epic Raid, or Arena?
Are Brave Battles always fought against computer opponents?
How can I earn Arena Points?
How do I edit characters in the Arena?
How do I check my Spirit Orb usage history?
How can I stop my device overheating or losing too much power when playing the game?
A gift I hadn't collected disappeared. Why did this happen?
What are the draw rates for Summons Tickets acquired for free?
Why do defeated NPC bots reappear in the Arena?
Can I use Auto mode during Score Battles?