Players placed in teams are "In Use" and cannot be sold or used as materials for Enhance Special Skills (Teach), Limit Release, or Evolution Training.
If you want to sell a player or use them as material for Enhance Special Skills (Teach), Limit Release, or Evolution Training, you must remove them from all teams first.
If you're having trouble doing so, please confirm the following:
- Tap the Team button on the Home screen and check to see if the player in question is still included in a team.
- If a Cup Championship is currently being held, go to Home > Online Mode > Cup Championship > Edit Team and check to see if the player in question is included in a Cup Championship team.
- Tap the League Mode button on the Home screen and check to see if the player in question is included in a League-specific team.
- Tap Club on the Home screen, and then check to see if the player in question is included in a Club Competition Team (when a competition is available).
- Ensure that the player is not set a Bond Slot for any team.
- Ensure that the player is not locked.
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